We finally update our web site, October 2022
One of the downsides to having a web site like this is the need to update it periodically. We did this during earlier years of the Centre, but it is enough of a burden that we neglected it in later years, as we were moving to Perth. Before the move we were uncertain as to whether and how the Centre might continue in Perth, and that uncertainty continued for some time after we arrived, although the Centre did continue to teach a number of former students online. Our uncertainties were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw a resurgence in late 2021 and, in Western Australia, in early 2022. However, during the second half of 2022 we were seeing better prospects for resuming regular face-to-face classes as well, so it became imperative to update this web site.
Since the early 1990s our technical advisor, Paul Black, had been producing web pages by coding in HTML, a sample of which you see in the picture. As early software was developed to create web pages without knowledge of the coding, he tried some of it, but did not find it particularly useful. When Microsoft Word could first be used to produce web pages, for example, it seemed to produce extremely bloated and rigid code. Accordingly he continued to depend on his knowledge of HTLM coding.
Meanwhile, web site construction had become increasingly complicated, and Paul had at best kept up with the complications only poorly. His first attempt at bringing this website up to date left it inflexible, so that it may have looked okay on a computer screen, but almost unreadable on a mobile phone, and apparently websites are now accessed most frequently by mobile phones. Accordingly Paul had to look into what is called responsive web page design, which enables web pages to adjust to look good on screens of various sizes. Fortunately he was able to draw on some templates made freely available by Prowebdesign at < http://www.prowebdesign.ro/simple-responsive-template/>. He was not able to use these very skilfully, but it allowed him to produce the web pages you are reading now.