First HSK level 4 class, August-December 2020
During the latter half of 2020 the Centre ran its first class to prepare its young students to pass the HSK level 4 test of Chinese. Making allowances for the fact that the students already had reasonably good speaking abilities in the language, we drew on the texts and workbooks published by the Beijing Language and Culture University Press; the picture shows the cover of the first volume of the level 4 text. On 6 December 2020 the students took the test at the Confucius Institute of Charles Darwin University, and all of them passed with high scores.
Since then the Centre has been running classes to prepare the same student to pass the HSK level 5 test, and others to pass the level 4 test. Unfortunately the students in Darwin were delayed in accessing the tests, since COVID-19 restrictions on travel prevented the Confucius Institute there from running the them.